Three Ways To Get Ahead And Become The Hottest Private Club In Town
Being in competition with another private club often means trying to outdo one another. If your club is newer and you are always finding yourself in second place, here are things that you can do to get ahead. Here are three tricks to deploy for your private club that will cause you to get in first place as the most desirable private club in your town.
Invite celebrities and notable personalities
Inviting distinguished individuals who live or vacation in your town is a great method for quickly rising to the top. If you have a quality venue with a number of desirable amenities, it may be easy to find some local celebrities that you can invite to be a member of your private club. Scout out celebrities by contacting their agents and offering a free membership. Be sure to send all membership materials, member cards, and personal information requests to their agents along with special offers just for them. Offering celebrities free membership can bring in an onslaught of membership requests from your area shortly.
Hire a private club consulting firm
If you are always comparing your club to the other hot club in town and you don't know where you fall short, it is best to get an objective opinion from a professional. A private club consulting firm could spot and point out some amenities that you are missing that you will need to be competitive. The consulting firm may be able to give you a good overview on what types of amenities, events, and offers a good private club needs to have. Implementing a personal plan from the consulting firm can make a difference in building a more professional and desirable club.
Host a major event
If you want to bring a little more publicity to your club, you may need to host a major event. Golf tournaments are popular for private clubs that feature golf greens. Concerts are also popular and can easily attract a large crowd. If there are companies that host major events inside of your town, such as award shows and ceremonies, you can host an exclusive breakfast or dinner for the recipients or groups. Event hosting can be the bread and butter that you need to increase club funding and you be able to attract easy publicity. Event hosting can get your name out to nearby residents who may be looking for club that offers public events for friends and family at times.