Why Old Forms Of Content Management Aren't Sufficient
When multiple individuals are working on the same project, it's common for multiple versions of this project to come into existence. It's important to not only have a document, but to also have the correct version of this document. There are multiple techniques that need to be used to make sure that information is captured and managed.
How Content Management Is Used
With enterprise content management, content is added to a system. You are then able to control what is done with the content next. The content is placed in the proper home for that particular piece of information. Then, the information needs to be preserved in the long run.
Content management is an expansion of document management. Organizations also need to manage images and audio files. It not only refers to content that is created by your organization, but also refers to content that your organization has obtained that is useful to it. Not only must you manage the information that you obtain, but how it is structured so that it can be used by your organization more efficiently.
In the past, content would need to be shared on a local network or via thumb drives. But increasingly, content needs to be shared through a cloud so that it can be accessed everywhere. This allows for your workers to complete tasks more efficiently.
Raw Data Vs. Structured Data
Raw data is not always in a format that can be easily processed by a computer, which can lead to inefficiencies. Through a content management system, your content can be converted into a format that can be used quickly by your computer and store metadata as well. For example, you may not only want to store an image to your content management system, but also record who holds the rights to the image.
Finding the Right Solution
There is no single enterprise content management system that will work for all businesses because you will not only have unique practical needs, but will also have compliance issues that you must handle. For this reason, you'll want to test out several solutions and possibly consider having a custom one built. But once you have a great content management system in place, you'll feel like you have more control over your business and you will be able to meet business objectives more efficiently while also ensuring that you always have the right version of a piece of content.