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Create Expanding Foam Items To Be Used During Live And Recorded Productions

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A polyurethane foam product that is designed to expand can be used to create three-dimensional props that will support a live or recorded production. Foam is versatile and can be carved to the dimensions desired. It is also receptive to the addition of paint.

A Lightweight Product That Excels

A polyurethane foam product that comes in a canister may contain a straw attachment. The straw is designed to secure to the nozzle where foam is emitted from. This type of attachment will provide an end user with full control of where foam is being dispensed. Foam is lightweight. A finished prop may bear the resemblance of a much heavier item but won't require a series of performers to lift heavy items that are being used to represent items during a live or recorded production. 

A Core That Can Be Used To Build Up A Prop

Polyurethane foam can be used to create just about any inanimate object that will be portrayed during a production. Foam bricks can be used to create a fireplace. Foam dinnerware can be used to create place settings where performers will be seated. The addition of foam props is a cost-effective way to acquire all of the supporting props you need, without needing to invest money in real items.

A core is often used with foam products. A cardboard or plastic cutout that is the same shape as the foam prop that you will creating can be located centrally within a finished prop. After deciding upon the measurements for a foam prop, a cutout that is slightly smaller, but that still contains the same dimensions should be prepared.

A Prop Creation Process That Is Fun

It can be enjoyable to watch your foam creations come to life. First, you will need to lay out the core pieces that you have cut out. The pieces should rest upon a piece of sheeting or another protective cover. Next, you will need to 'build up' your props. To do this, you will need to apply expanding foam to both sides of a core.

As the foam thickens, you will see each prop take on a realistic shape. Foam will need to cure, prior to carving a prop or painting it. If carving is going to be conducted, a knife with a thin blade should be used. Both acrylic and enamel paint products can be used to enhance the props.
