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A Change Is Coming: How Seasonal Changes Affect Your Asphalt Parking Lot

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When you own commercial property, you pay close attention to the building. After all, proper maintenance is essential when you want to ensure the value of your property. But, there's one area that often gets overlooked. That area is the parking lot. Many commercial property owners don't give their parking lots the time and attention that's needed for proper protection. Unfortunately, that lack of attention can leave your parking lot in need of repairs. You might not realize this, but there are seasonal issues that can cause serious problems for your asphalt pavement. Here are four ways the seasons can cause problems for your pavement.  


If you have an asphalt parking lot, you need to be concerned about summer heat. Asphalt has the advantage of being more flexible than concrete. The flexibility allows asphalt to shrink and expand as needed. But, flexibility also puts asphalt at a disadvantage during the hot, summer months. Extreme temperatures can cause asphalt to soften, pit, and buckle, under the pressure. Not only that, but extreme heat can cause some of the tar to ooze to the surface. To make sure you keep up on the repairs, watch for signs of heat damage during the summer. 


When you have an asphalt parking lot, you also need to worry about winter weather. Freezing temperatures can cause other problems for your parking lot. Freezing temperatures can harden the asphalt to a brittle state. Unfortunately, brittleness can cause your asphalt to crack and chip. This can become a big problem where deliveries are concerned. The added weight of the delivery trucks can cause significant damage to your parking lot during the winter. Because of that, you should inspect your parking lot at least once a week during the winter. If you see signs of damage, have your parking lot repaired as soon as possible. 


Fall can also pose a problem for your asphalt parking lot, especially if there are trees in the area. As trees lose their fall foliage, the leaves can gather on the surface of your parking lot. The moisture that builds up under the leaves can damage asphalt, especially if they're not cleaned up quickly enough. If the leaves clog drainage areas, excess water can cause puddles to develop, which can also damage your parking lot. To avoid those problems, have your parking lot cleaned at least once a week during the fall. 


You might think your asphalt parking lot is safe during the spring, but that's not the case. This is especially true if you have trees growing around your commercial building. Trees experience growth spurts during the spring. That's when roots start stretching out in search of water. If roots come up in your parking lot, they can crack the asphalt. For maximum protection, have your parking lot inspected for root damage at least once a year.

Learn more by contacting paving contractors.
