Perfecting My Business

A Stitch in Time: 4 Steps to Teach Your Child How to Sew

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Sewing is an enjoyable hobby. Not only are you doing something that’s fun, but you’re also creating something useful. If you have children, you want to pass that hobby on to your kids. Teaching a child to sew can be a fun way to get some quality time with them in. Here are four quick and easy tips that will make it easier to teach your child to sew. Start Out by Hand Read More»

Renting Storage For Inventory For Your Antique Furniture Store? Make Sure You Look For These Features

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In the antique business, each piece of inventory you have can be a major investment worth a great deal of money which can make it difficult for you to even consider storing excess inventory anywhere other than your store where you can keep a close eye on it. However, when chosen correctly with a good self storage facility, you can rest assured that your precious antique inventory will be rightly protected and safe. Read More»

The Different Types of Rain Gear You Can Put Your Company Logo On

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If you live in a part of the country that normally gets a lot of rain, or if you are simply coming up on a rainy season, you might want to think about putting your company logo on a lot of different rain gear. This way, you will have a better chance at a lot more people getting to know your business’s name. Umbrellas The nice thing about umbrellas is that you can not only place your company logo on it but also select the colors that match colors that are in your logo. Read More»

Three Reasons A Minimalist Trade Show Exhibit Will Attract More Attention

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When you are at a trade exhibition, you will notice that most of the booths are about showing off as much as possible. While this makes sense, there is another method to the madness of a crowded trade show. If you would like to draw a crowd to your trade booth to do more than just ogle products, you should have a minimalist booth. Here are three reasons why a minimalist booth will attract more good attention at a trade show. Read More»

Three Ways To Get Ahead And Become The Hottest Private Club In Town

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Being in competition with another private club often means trying to outdo one another. If your club is newer and you are always finding yourself in second place, here are things that you can do to get ahead. Here are three tricks to deploy for your private club that will cause you to get in first place as the most desirable private club in your town.  Invite celebrities and notable personalities Read More»