Perfecting My Business

Hosting A Party? Why You Should Hire Security Guards

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When you’re hosting a party there a number of things that you must get together.  The food, music, entertainment, and guest roster must be perfect in order for the event to go off without a hitch.  However, as some people say, “The devil is in the details.”  There may be some very important points that you’re leaving out.  One of these is the importance of getting security lined up.  Use this information to learn more about why you absolutely must hire security guards for your next shindig. Read More»

Procuring Employees As A Non-Profit Organization

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Non-profit organizations face notoriously difficult challenges when it comes to procuring the top talent. Not only are employees often reluctant to begin work for non-profit organizations, but they often use a non-profit as a stepping stone towards their real career. Because of this, a non-profit business often needs to take additional steps towards getting the best employees. Re-Evaluate Your Non-Profit Job Postings When it comes to a non-profit, it isn’t always about skills and qualifications. Read More»

Three Reasons Why You Should Insure Your Commercial Vehicles

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Commercial vehicle insurance may seem unnecessary on the surface, but if you got a closer look at what this type of insurance covers, you may be more willing to buy policies. The other types of insurance you carry on your business do not cover much in regards to the vehicles your business owns and operates. Here are some more good reasons as to why you should carry commercial vehicle insurance on ALL of your business vehicles. Read More»

6 Things Business Owners Need To Know About Self-Storage

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If you are a business owner, it is reasonable to expect that you have self-storage needs. There is often no reason to consider a full-size warehouse when a smaller option would be just as beneficial. Self-storage may be your best option. Before committing to a self-storage unit, consider these tips to make this a cost-effective and efficient option for your business. 1. Consider Self-Storage Options for Short-Term Situations Are you remodeling your business or office space? Read More»

A Guide To The Differences Between Water Softening And Water Conditioning

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If you are tired of the spots on your clean dishes and the dry, itchy skin that can never truly be remedied with lotions or ointments, it is important to be aware that it is usually possible to stop those issues from occurring by treating the hard water used in your home. Two options for doing so are water softening and water conditioning, both of which present with their own advantages and disadvantages. Read More»